Saturday, September 15, 2012


                                             Welcome to Basic Sculpture and Ceramics!

I am looking forward to a great year with all of you!  It is important to remember that we are all responsible for creating a respectful learning environment.  Our goals as learners include: collaboration, creation, critical thinking and communication.  Each of you should have also created your own personal goals for Basic Sculpture and Ceramics in accordance with the 21st Century Skills that we discussed in class.  We will be checking in periodically with your goal cards to see where your strengths and weaknesses are in class and to also plan new ways of meeting your personal goals while in Basic Sculpture and Ceramics this year.

In Basic Sculpture and Ceramics we will be creating various types of sculptures ( relief and free standing), using various materials like paper, cardboard, recycled books, wire and plaster!  We will learn about the elements and principles of design in each of our projects to strengthen the compositions within your sculptures.  We will work our way into clay projects in the second quarter and third quarter when  we learn about pinch pots, coil pots and  slab construction.  Each project will include sketching and visual reference research.  Sketchbook assignments are 15% of your class grade and must be completed!

I am very pleased with the group work and collaboration that I have seen in your tape installation designs and your brainstorming discussions for the sketchbook prompts.  Keep up the great work!


  1. This book is titled "My Broken Heart" by MTM. It has 16 pages. Mtm is in grade 12 at CHSW. She is enrolled in basic sculpture and ceramics. Mtm finds the class enjoyable becuase she finds the cass challenging becuae everyda she is doing something new and creative. She is always thinking of new ideas on how to improve her project.
    The theme/concept of the arttit's book is love. The characters/ the symbols of the book tell a story about a broken heart falling back in love. The setting of the story is in someones life. In the beginningof the artists story one sees darkness in the middle of the story there both in love and happy. At the conclusion, there is both and its colorful with a dark handprint.
    Artistically speaking this book is moder art. It's theme though is traditional subject matter becuase people would find love and hate in it due to its colors. I recommend this book to people16 and over because its about love and people younger then 16 might might not understamd what its about.

  2. Reviewed by: Brandon and Alexia
    This book titled Life of a Cheerleader was created by La Penna. It has no pages. La penna is in grade 12 at Cranston High School West and is enrolled in Basic Sculpture and Ceramics. La penna finds the class enjoyable because it is fun, but she finds the class challenging because she is not creative.
    The theme of the book is about cheerleading. The symbols of the artist's book tells a story about her life as a cheerleader. In the beginning of the artist's story one sees their reflection and a cheerleading bow. This mirror is significant to the book because she is reflecting on her past years cheerleading. The setting of the story is in the field. In the middle of the story there are pictures, and at the conclusion there are objects that relate to cheerleading.
    Artistically speaking this book is creative. It is a non-traditional book that people would find different due to its personality. The overall quality of the book is okay. It could have been neater and better craftmanship could have been used when creating it.I recommend this book to people of middle school and high school because they can relate most to the cheerleading theme.
